Friday, August 19, 2011

Time to Get Rolling

There are actually people outside walking around campus!    The start of a new school year is like the coming of spring each year.   Things have been just dead around here.  Just like early February.   But, gradually everything awakens and comes to life.

Starting to see students.   Starting to see other faculty.  Parking lots beginning to fill.  The summer slumber is over.

This should be an interesting school year.  Our department has a new faculty member, Karen Freberg, who teaches in the area of strategic communication and social media--she should fit nicely.  And we are gradually instituting our new strategic communication curriculum to replace our old advertising and PR courses.  Certainly makes much more sense.  

Comm tech world keeps changing and that makes for interesting developments for class as well.   AT&T trying to buy T-mobile as announced last spring. Now Google is trying to buy Motorola and get into the smartphone manufacturing end of things.   The big keep getting bigger.   Makes for good discussion with students.

At home it sucks having little kids who are now growing up---I've now got a high schooler and a middle schooler---I want them to stay little forever.   It also sucks when you cut half your finger off with an electric hedge trimmer like I did last week.   After ruptured disk and kidney stones in the spring, it would be nice to have a hazard free/illness free fall.   Fingers crossed.

So here's to a good, healthy fall, and a great football season for my Cards, Tigers, Rams and Chiefs.